Sunday, July 27, 2014

Tony - I presume you know about this? - from Barry Mills' research - Ian McHugh

Unitarian minister Rev Edward Morgan  in a letter to BEN printed on 3 Aug 1914 p4 declared: “it is the worker who will suffer …… in the name of Christ, let us remember the horrors of war, on the battlefield slaughter and pestilence, at home famine, misery and death”.

The full text of his letter is:

Sir, - The ominous note in the all too brief speeches of Mr Asquith and sir Edward Gray impels me to ask you to be good enough to grant me something of your space. I do not write as a politician but as a minister of religion, and I ask why the British nation should be called upon to help in a war in which we are not concerned and in which any interests of ours would only be hazarded by our participation and protected by our neutrality.

We are told of the hatred and jealousy of Germany. But the history of the past few years proves that Germany would and does value our friendship and recognises that our interests and hers are mutual and our sympathies should be likewise.

It is implied that we are in treaty and honour bound to takes sides with France and Russia to protect Servia against the triple alliance. But both the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister have solemnly declared that there is no bond compelling us to take up arms on behalf of either. As regards France she is bound to act as Russia bids, but are we? Surely that we be an ironical position.

The national honour of England compromised unless she aid Russia!  The most advanced and democratic country in Europe compelled to support the most ignorant, cruel and despotic government in the world! History has proved again and again that Russia honours no promise, keeps no treaty and observes no law, human or divine, except when it suits her purpose. The majority of Christian Englishmen are dis-satisfied that our friendship with Russia should somehow imply acquiescence in her domestic and foreign policy. They will surely hang their heads in shame if we should be compelled to stand shoulder to shoulder with her to protect a government rooted and founded in treachery and murder. Surely even the blindest partisan cannot sympathise with Servia, nor agree that once again assassination should be condoned  because it is in accordance with the policy of Russia.

There is the question of the Balance of Power. The probabilities are that this doctrine would be best observed by our taking sides with Germany. At any rate it is an iniquitous doctrine. It has cost England hundreds of thousands of lives and hundreds of millions of money. It has desolated millions of homes and merited the curse of millions of widows and orphans. It has checked progress at home and lost for us the great lead in constitutional liberties abroad. John Bright thanked God that it was dead and buried. He called it a fouler idol than any heathen tribe worshipped. Alas! that the resurrection of such an idol should be fully consummated by a progressive Foreign Minister acting with a Liberal Government.  Does our ‘Natural Honour’ demand that our Colonial possessions should be  threatened, our hold on India weakened and the millions of poor at home compelled to face misery, starvation and death?

Meanwhile our industries are threatened and our food already advances in price. It is not those who have the control who will suffer, it will all be to their social and financial advantage. It is the worker who will suffer and he must listen to his children crying for bread while he stands impotent.

In the name of Christ let us remember the horrors of war; on the battlefield slaughter and pestilence; at home famine, misery and death! Then let us fight or clamour for war or prate of national honour if we will! But let us close our eyes to the despair of the widowed and the stricken and our ears to the cry of the orphaned; and let us cease to ask the blessing of God upon us and our land, for we shall have ceased to deserve it.

Yours etc,
Edward Morgan,
Unity Church, Bolton.

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