Thursday, February 09, 2012

Love is …
     Love means much to me.   Impudent little word with a thousand meanings that can be as little as a liking for chocolate or the pleasure of a warm bath.  Big meaning love that makes a marriage and love that makes a child.  Love that clothes the heart with sentimental tears just because the eyes have scanned a garden or seen a sunset cast the sky ablaze.  Love that is a wisp of hair on the cheek or a glance that holds time in suspension.  Love that overwhelms - one person’s aura filling another persons vision to the point of bursting.  A child’s love, a mother’s love, a father’s love, grandparent’s love, brotherly love, the love of friends.  Spiritual love that inflames the soul and embraces all the stars.  Love is seeing each leaf on the tree, each petal on the flower and nothing but good in the world.
     Love is … to me a pyramid.  A mythical and magical structure that is the shape of perfection.  Who built it and how it was built, no one really knows but it was put together by a vast workforce over a long aeon of time.  Each stone was different; cut and carved to take its special place by an unknown hand - yet vital for the experience of the whole and part of the balance that achieved its symmetry.
    The pyramid of Egypt pointed to the stars and it was said that its radiant light created a pathway for the Pharaoh god on earth to travel to the sun god where they became one.
    So is the pyramid of love.  Each stone a meaning, an experience of building  Each part of a greater meaning that unites heaven and earth, people to people, people to God - a spiritual shape that connects each one of  us in perfection and enables us to profoundly to say, ‘Love is …”

tony mcneile

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