Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Prayer for 28th February

Prayer for 28 Feb

Let us open our hearts to prayer.
The God of Love listens but does not speak, the God of Love moves but we do not see.   The God of Love is - but has no form.   In our prayer let us be aware of the God of Love listening and moving and being in our lives.  Let us offer our silent prayers in the community of this chapel.      We offer ourselves to be blessed by the mysterious God of Love.     To be given strength to deal with the challenges that face us; to be given strength to accept our weaknesses and manage in spite of them; to be given the strength to be humble and to be strong in our humility - listening to the sorrows of others rather than unearthing our own in competition.  To be given strength to support our loved ones and all who are close to us.    To be given the strength to be positive in what we try to achieve.   This is our prayer for ourselves.
Let us offer our prayers for this community and all who have a place in our lives.    We have a particular prayer for a long time friends who have passed away    They found a spiritual centre in this faith community.   We givethem our peace and we will remember them.
We open our hearts before the God of Love, let us seek that love as we go day by day; let it be a shadow of light behind our thoughts and within our actions.     May our everyday lives reflect that love into the world.
This is our prayer   

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